CAP & TRADE is a complete and total fraud. The real motivation behind this movement is
not to protect the earth from global warming, or even from pollution, or
polluters. Rather, it is intended to
be used effect the transfer of the control of the local and national resources,
from the local, State, and national governments, to a single
one-world global government organization under a new world order of global
control, dictated to the world by a small group of incredibly wealthy and evil
How does that happen, you may wonder?
Here’s how:
Remember, this is a cap and TRADE program, where no “pollution” is
really capped, because “pollution” credits may be purchased by the polluter on
the “open” market through a government run “exchange” to legalize the “pollution”
or “global warming”. And of course the “credits”
will be expensive in the developed countries like
That means that the huge multi-national corporations
owned by the world “controllers” will be able to buy LOTS AND LOTS of cheap “pollution”
credits in the underdeveloped nations where they are operating. That means they can operate “dirty” and “pollute”
the environment, and “warm” the planet, and there is nothing the local people
or government(s) can do to stop the corporate operations because it will all be
legal activity actually LICENSED by the “pollution” CREDITS bought cheaply by
the corporations on the “exchange”. IT’S
A LICENSE TO STEAL, and POLLUTE, and cause GLOBAL WARMING (total fraud), and
basically, to operate any way they want, without interference from any local
because the pollution “credits” allow the corporation, under the one-world
government system administering the Cap & Trade program, to
”pollute” however as much as the credits purchased allow. And who will monitor the whole charade? The effect imparted to the governments of the
nations of the world is a complete loss of control of the nations own resources,
its environment, and over the operation of the multi-national businesses within
its territorial limits, which desperately need to get the local governments,
with their silly religious beliefs and moralities, and historical concerns, OUT
OF THE WAY of the huge multi-national corporations ability to make profits for
their owners all around the planet without interference from the hundreds of
different governments they must currently deal with.
But it is not just about exploiting and ruling the developing
world. Oh, indeed no.
We encourage you to read the provisions of the Cap
and Trade Bill that has passed the House of
Representatives and being considered by the Senate. We are ready to join
the next march on
A federal license will soon be required for you to be allowed to sell your
private home ... it’s no longer just for cars and mobile homes...
Thinking about selling your house in couple of years – Take A look at H.R.
2454 (Cap and trade bill) The federal “invasion” is extraordinary, and unbelievable, again
going much further into the depths of the socialism of America than any
living person ever would have believed possible just five short years ago.
But this is probably still only the beginning from this Marxist
administration! Home owners take note,
and tell your friends, neighbors, and relatives who are also home owners, THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU, or rather YOUR HOME.
Beginning 1 year after enactment of the Cap and Trade Act, you won't be
able to sell your home without federal permission, i.e.: unless you
retrofit it to comply with the energy and water
efficiency standards of this new Act. H.R. 2454, the
"Cap & Trade" bill passed by the House of Representatives. This Act, if also passed by the Senate,
will be the largest tax increase since the 1930’s, that
any of us has ever experienced in our lives. The Congressional
Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) estimates that in just a few
years the average cost to every family of four will be $6,800 per year. No one is excluded.
However, once the lower classes feel the pinch in
their wallets, you can be damn sure that these voters will get a tax credit or even another refund (even if they pay no
taxes at all) to offset this new cost.
Thus, you Mr. and Mrs. Middle & Upper Class
America will have to pay even more, since additional tax dollars will be
needed to pay for (and ultimately bail out) everyone else.
But wait. This awful bill (that no one
in Congress has actually read) has many more surprises in it. Probably the worst one is this: A year from
now you won't be able to sell your house.
Yes, you read that right. The
catch is (there is always a catch, isn’t there), that if you have enough money
to make the required major energy upgrades to your home, then you can sell it. But, if not, forget it.
Even pre-fabricated homes ("mobile homes")
are included and covered in this bill.
In effect, this bill prevents you from selling your home without the
permission of the federal EPA administrator, whose business is the alleged
protection of the environment, NOT the sale of your home. Meanwhile the large polluting businesses
will be trading the tax credits that allow them, and ultimately become the
license for them, to continue destroying the environment, immune to the new law. Remember it is a “cap” and “TRADE” system. But
only the businesses are allowed to “TRADE”.
As a homeowner, this will not be a legal option for you, you will have to get federal E.P.A. permission
to proceed with your plans to sell your own home. And to get this permission, you will have to
have the energy efficiency of your home measured, and probably, if it wasn’t
built within just the last three years, improved. Then the government will tell you what your new energy efficiency rating is, and you will be forced
to make modifications to your home under the retrofit provisions of this Act to
comply with the new energy and water efficiency
requirements for that type of “house” in your area.
Then you will have to get your retro-fitted home
measured again and get a license (called a "label" in the Act) that
must be posted on your property to show what your efficiency rating is; sort of
like the Energy Star efficiency rating label on
your refrigerator or air conditioner.
If you don't get a high enough rating, you can't sell. And then of course, the EPA administrator is authorized to raise the
standards every year if desired, even above the automatic energy efficiency
increases built into the Act, without further Act or approval by Congress. The EPA administrator, appointed by the
President, will run the Cap & Trade program (AKA the "American Clean
Energy and Security Act of 2009") and is authorized to make any future
changes to the regulations and standards he alone determines to be in the
government's best interest. Of course,
the requirements are set low initially, so the bill will pass Congress; then
the Administrator can set much tougher new standards every year, thereby
strangling the U.S. businesses and national economy to what-ever level of
diminishment the federal government deems desirable, for what-ever reason,
which will across time become politically motivated, and of course, unspoken
and unannounced.
The Act itself contains annual required increases in
energy efficiency for private and commercial residences and buildings. However,
the EPA administrator can set higher standards at any time he so chooses. Section 202, the Building Retrofit Program,
mandates a national retrofit program to increase the energy efficiency of existing
homes all across
Oh, goody! The Act
allows the government to give you a grant of several thousand dollars to comply
with the retrofit program requirements IF you meet certain energy efficiency
levels. But, wait, the State can set
additional requirements on who qualifies to receive the grants. You should
expect requirements such as "can't have an income of more than $50K
per year", "home selling price can't be more than $125K", or anything
else to target the upper and middle class (that's
YOU) and prevent them from qualifying for the grants. Most of us won't get a dime and will have
to pay the entire cost of the retrofit out of our own pockets. More transfer of wealth, more "change
you can believe in." Section 204, the Building Energy Performance Labeling
Program establishes a labeling program that for each individual residence will
identify the achieved energy efficiency performance for "at least 90
percent of the residential market within 5 years after the date of the
enactment of this Act."
This means that within 5 years, 90%
of all residential homes in the
The EPA administrator will initially get $50M each
year to enforce the labeling program, but you can bet your sweet ass that
number will go up. The Secretary of the Department of Energy will get an additional $20M each
year to help enforce the labeling program.
Some of this money will, of course, be spent on prosecuting American
citizens for failure to behave and perform as ordered (like good little peons),
and of course, for coming up with new tougher standards each year, to
better protect the environment (or steal more power and control over what was
once private property).
Oh, the label will be like a license
for your car. You will be required to
post the label in a conspicuous location in or outside your home and will not
be allowed to sell your home without having this label. And, just like your car license, you will
probably be required to get a new label every so often - maybe every year AS
But, the government estimates the cost of measuring
the energy efficiency of your home should only cost about $200 each time.
Remember what they said about the auto smog inspections when they first
started: that in
much for the sovereignty of the fifty states if this Act passes. Say good-bye to control by the States of
their own people, lands and activities.
say “Good bye” to America, because they are destroying it and planning on
taking it away to establish their global plantation as the New World Order,
which is not based on freedom, liberty, and private property, BUT ON ABSOLUTE GLOBAL