§ 7608. Authority of internal revenue enforcement officers.
(2) The functions authorized under this subsection to be performed by an officer
referred to in paragraph (1) are -
So where is carry firearms as an authority to enforce Subtitle A ? It doesn’t exist in the law. Any, and all, IRS
agents who
are involved with subtitle A enforcement procedures in the field are not authorized to carry firearms during such
duty, and it
is a violation of the law for them to do so !
Do you really think this is the America our founders envisioned for this era ?
Furthermore, one should carefully note that while Revenue Agents are authorized to serve Summons under Subtitle E,
only criminal investigators are authoritzed to serve Summons under Subtitle A. Only problem is that according to the
Internal Revenue Manual, criminal investigators (working for the Criminal Investigative Division - CID)
only have authority to be involved in investigations of foreign affairs and foreign persons!
So, who served your Summons? An authorized Criminal Investigator? Or a mere Revenue Agent misusing their authority
under Subtitle E for Alcohol, tobacco and firearms enforcement operations???? PAGE
Last Update: 03/01/07
Web Author: The Disciples of Truth
Copyright ©1997 by Agents of the LORD GOD R SAFE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED